Subject: urban planning
(W)here is New York?
A Walk to Remember
Another year older…
Artists’ Certification Why Bother? ca. 1971
Balancing the Equities: Counting Artists Because Artists Count in SoHo
Behind SoHo Street Names (2012)
Celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the New York Landmarks Law
Go With the Flow: The Water Towers of SoHo
If You Don’t Build It, They Will Still Come
Julie Finch and Artists Against the Expressway
Letter from Ivan Karp about Renaming West Broadway Jackson Pollock Place (1972)
Letter Re: Broome Street Car Noise Conditions (1971)
Lofts: Balancing the Equities 1981
Lofts: Balancing the Equities 1982
Lofts: Balancing the Equities 1983
Mercer Street Surveyor’s Map 1881
New York: Our Fear City
NYC Department of Traffic Report On The Lower Manhattan Expressway (1967)
Official City Planning Application Special Permit Retail Zoning 155 Mercer 2014
Our Visible Past