Soho Beyond Boutiques And Cast Iron (2012)

Soho Beyond Boutiques And Cast Iron: The Significance, Legacy, and Preservation of the Pioneering Artist Community’s Cultural Heritage, 2012 thesis by Susie Ranney. 

From abstract: The intent of this thesis is to use a critical study of the span of preservation intervention in the SoHo district of Manhattan to inspire the responsible stewardship of the early artist community’s cultural heritage in the public memory and the physical environment of SoHo. This thesis also raises awareness that SoHo embodies concerns beyond its district boundaries: the belittling of the early artists’ SoHo provides but one example of a community whose cultural and physical heritage has been overlooked due to factors (often) beyond its control and calls attention to the particular vulnerability of artist communities to fall victim to such neglect (typically in the very landscapes that they helped to revive).