The Miracle of SoHo

The Miracle of SoHo
A poem by Tsipi Inberg Ben-Haim

Drop me off on 

Broadway & Broome 

Zigi danced the words away

Happily flung into a taxi’s embrace,

Airport’s hum left in a distant chase.

The driver’s shock, a worried guise

“If you want to rob me

Why drag me all the way downtown?”

The gritty Seventies sounded the alarm.

Cobblestone roads with gaps like missing teeth

Sidewalk halls predict a legal threat.

Streets brood dark,in eerie silence spread

Landmarks pondering fate’s reprimand.

What will become of them 

Most sweatshops gone 

No one knows 

What the future holds  

In this shambled symphony,

trash remains,

Shmate manufacturer’s tales of old strains

Dirty Streets invite new souls with creative gleam, 

No, not rats, but artists seek their dream.

Migrating seekers, hopeful and bold, 

In SoHo’s grasp, inspiration’s stronghold.

 Industrial echoes, raw and removed, 

South of Houston, Landmarks landscape improved.

Colorful trash, art’s divine fuel, Shapes and hues,  

paper, wood, and rope’s embrace, 

Newspapers speak, tales interlace.

Artists, shlepping items with grace, 

Breathe new life into discarded space. Museums’ gems, from trash reborn, 

History’s whispers quietly adorn.

Transforming wastelands, legacy’s aim.

A Jewel in New York’s crown sparkles new tale Live and work, 

a global impact rise, Galleries bloom, stars in creative skies.

Fancy stores followed rich men couldn’t stay away,

Challenging spaces, a love affair, 

Cultural treasure beyond compare.

SoHo’s tale, a limitless scroll,

Imagination’s canvas, a boundless goal.

The miracle persists in hearts aglow, 

SoHo’s legacy, forever to grow

Hear Tsipi read her poem here:

Tsipi has been a resident of SoHo since 1979 and Founder/Director of CITYarts, a not-for-profit public art and education organization.

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