510 Broome Street133 Greene Street
I was a freelance designer, photographer, and artist.
Big cheap spaces! Open loft parties.
No shopping – long walk to what is now Morton Williams, was Grand Union I think.
Crazy mad art scene. MusArt Spiral Foods, watching the WTC buildings go up from my south facing windows, waiting for a call from Arnold about the evening’s parties. How quiet it was after 5pm.
Got tired of the dirt and dark, rents were going up (!) and I couldn’t afford to buy a coop.
Food restaurant, after Gordon and Carol, was part of my life for several years. Dan Mayberry was the owner, I was his unofficial partner. He left the business to Dee Smires and there the chain ends. There is a long saga of Food II, more of the SoHo food history! Dan was one of the original partners at Spring Natural when it was on Spring Street, with Joan and Julio.