1968 – 1984
NoHO my parents lived on the corner of Bleecker and LaGuardia. They still do and I visit often.
Student, attended elementary (PS3) Intermediate (IS-70) and High School (Xavier HS on 16th Street)
Bleecker Street Cinema, the lack of chain stores, the feeling that this was real NYC, the Greek Restaurant on Bleecker, the fact that is was really a small town in a big city
The pending changes, the visitors who looked at the area with a sense of comic awareness and judgement. Grand Union was a mainstay but I don’t miss shopping there.
The snowstorms, how they shut down entire blocks. The playgrounds in what is now the Coles center and how the ballfield on Houston and Mercer was really a lot of stones and dirt, there was nothing green about it
Went to college and moved to DC
There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about waiting for the school bus on West Broadway, opposite Grand Union and looking south towards the WTC